Geographic Information Systems
A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a framework for capturing, gathering, managing, and analyzing data. Rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrates many types of data. It analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes. With this unique capability, GIS reveals deeper insights into data, such as patterns, relationships, and situations, helping users make smarter decisions. GIS provides a range of capabilities to handle georeferenced data, including (a) Data Capture and preparation, (b) Data management (storage and maintenance), (c) Data manipulation and analysis, and (d) Data presentation.
The ability
to manage and process spatial data is a critical component of any functioning
GIS. Data processing systems refer to hardware and software components that
are able to process, store and transfer data. Computers are also becoming
increasingly affordable. Hand-held computers are now commonplace in business
and personal use, equipping field surveyors with powerful tools, complete with
GPS capabilities for instantaneous georeferencing. GIS can be considered to be a data
store (i.e. a system that stores spatial data), a toolbox, a technology, an information
source, or a field of science. The main characteristics of a GIS software
package are its analytical functions that provide means for deriving new
geoinformation from existing spatial and attribute data. The use of
tools for problem-solving is one thing, but the production of these tools is
something quite different. Not all tools are equally well-suited for a
particular application, and they can be improved and perfected to better serve
a particular need or application. The discipline of geographic information
science is driven by the use of our GIS tools, and these are in turn improved
by new insights and information gained through their application in various
scientific fields. Spatial information theory is one such field, which focuses
specifically on providing the background for the production of tools for the
handling of spatial data.
In a nutshell, we can define a geographic information system as a computerized system that facilitates the phases of data capture, data storage, data analysis, and data presentation, especially in cases where we are dealing with georeferenced data. This means that GIS users will expect support from the system to enter (georeferenced) data, analyze it in different ways, and to produce presentations (maps and others) from the data. Many kinds of functionality should come with this like support for various kinds of coordinate systems and transformations between them, many different ways of computing with the georeferenced data, and obviously a large degree of freedom of choice in presentation parameters such as color scheme, symbol set, medium, etc.
The best-known (conventional) models of the real world are maps. Maps have been used for thousands of years to represent information about the real world. their conception and design have developed into a science with a high degree of sophistication. Maps have proven to be extremely useful for many applications in various domains. A map is always a diagrammatic or graphic representation at a certain level of detail, which is determined by the scale. Cartography as the science and art of map-making functions as an interpreter translating real-world phenomena (primary data) into correct, clear, and understandable representations for our use. Maps also become a data source for other maps.
A disadvantage of maps is that they are restricted to two-dimensional static representations and that they always are displayed on a given scale. The map scale determines the spatial resolution of the graphic feature representation. the smaller the scale, the less detail a map can show. The accuracy of the base data, on the other hand, puts a limit to the scale in which a map can be sensibly drawn. The selection of a proper map scale is one of the first and most important steps in map design.
With the advent of computer systems, analog cartography became digital cartography. It is important to note that whenever we speak about cartography today, we implicitly assume digital cartography. The use of computers in map making is an integral part of modern cartography. The role of the map changed accordingly. Increasingly, may lose their role as data storage. this role is taken over by (spatial) databases. What remains is the visualization functions of maps.
The aim of this Blog is to aid students, researchers, and the populace at large understand more about GIS, Remote Sensing, and their applications to solving Nigeria's spatial problems. Additionally, geo-referenced Maps and shape files of all states, local government areas in Nigeria, and wards if necessitated will be made available for stakeholders to utilize and better understand the geographical perspective or picture of the country or state they live in.
Interesting topics will also be shared to explain more about the wide capabilities that GIS can offer to produce accurate and precise results that will also aid in decision-making. These and many more are just a brief summary of what Naija Maps is all about.
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